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23rd February 2025 

HOMECOMING: exploring your spiritual connection with nature

In this workshop you will learn the shamanic process of journeying, a process similar to dreaming that connects us to an ancient and universal field of energy and insight. By carefully formulating questions and cultivating receptivity to responses you will begin to develop relationships with shamanic allies, including what are known as power animals, to build a network of helpers to support your spiritual connectedness in everyday life. Shamanic journeying can greatly enhance a sense of interconnectedness with the natural world and a feeling of coming home to your deepest self.

The small group will meet in my therapy room in Hastings Old Town over two terms in 2025. The size of the group allows for more individual support as you develop your journeying skills.


Term One:

Saturday 10th May 10am to 1pm
Sunday 11th May 10am to 4pm

Saturday 14th June 10am to 4pm
Sunday 15th June 10am to 1pm


Term Two:

Saturday 20th September 10am to 1pm
Sunday 21st September 10am to 4pm

Saturday 1st November 10am to 1pm
Sunday 2nd November 10am to 4pm


The cost is £330 per term. I ask that participants make a firm commitment to both terms to maintain the continuity of the group working together. Payment plans are possible.


If you are interested to join the group, please contact me by telephone 07877 453477 or email You can also use the contact form link above to send me a message. I will arrange a time for us to meet and go over any questions you may have prior to signing up.


I am a BACP accredited, humanistic psychotherapist. I first learned to journey with psychologist Dr Leslie Gray in 2000 as part of a psychotherapy masters programme at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco. After returning to the UK, in 2007 I joined the Homecoming programme created and developed by core staff member and practitioner Judy Hargreaves at humanistic psychotherapy centre Spectrum Therapy in Finsbury Park. In 2018 I trained with Judy to teach Homecoming.